How Social banking works?
Parents preserve their baby's stem cells by enrolling for Social Banking.
The preserved umbilical cord blood stem cells collectively form a pool of stem cells with Limited access to society members only. At the time of need for transplant the stored CBU Can be accessed by any member of the society (social banking members only). This increases your chance to get HLA matched stem cells.
Stored stem cells can be accessed by any member of the society or their family which includes baby, baby's siblings, parents, maternal grandparents and paternal grandparents.
The preserved stem cells shall be for exclusive use of the family for the first 2 years. After that, stem cells shall be made a part of the society samples, which will be accessible by all members of the society.
With more and more parents opting for Social Banking, the society pool becomes bigger and bigger giving you the best opportunity to find a matching stem cell sample.
Benefits of Social Banking :
Complete Protection To Family :
The social bank can be accessed by family Including child, child’s biological siblings, biological parents, and biological grandparents.
Free Access :
No Additional charges shall be levied for retrievals of stem cell units by the baby and family.
Unlimited Access :
The Baby & family can retrieve any number of matched stem cell samples for any conditions treatable with stem cells.
Immediate Availability of Sample :
In cases where autologous (own stem cells) are not suitable for own use during the transplant the need for stem cells from a healthy donor with HLA match arises. Being part of the social banking , you can access the matching unit of stem cells stored in our society of social banking members. This increases your probability of getting a HLA matched donor stem cells for transplantation without any delay.
Cryoviva Biotech Pvt. Ltd.
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